Common Health Issues In Newborns and Infants with Solutions Skip to content


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Article: Common Health Issues In Newborns and Infants with Solutions

Common Health Issues In Newborns and Infants with Solutions
| by Rahul Bhati

Common Health Issues In Newborns and Infants with Solutions

Welcoming a newborn into your family can be the happiest moment in your life, but along with this happiness comes a set of problems and worries regarding the child's health. Though many common infant and newborn problems are easily manageable and familiar, some knowledge can enable the parents or caregivers to deal with the problem efficiently. This blog will discuss some of the standard health-related issues in newborn babies and infants and their solutions.

The Most Common Newborn Baby Problems and Solutions

Here are the most common newborn baby problems and solutions for the proper care of your newborn:

1. Jaundice

This is a relatively common condition in which a newborn baby develops yellow discolouration of the skin and eyes. The blood contains an excess amount of bilirubin due to the breakdown of red blood cells.

It appears that the newborn liver is not mature enough to clear bilirubin, which, when old red blood cells are broken down, joins the circulating blood; its excess may, therefore, start accumulating.


  • Phototherapy: Exposing the baby to a special kind of light that fastens the fracture of bilirubin in the skin.
  • Feeding: Let the baby feed frequently. It will clear bilirubin through stools.
  • Monitoring: The bilirubin level in the hospital should be checked regularly.

2. Colic

It is one of the most common newborn problems after birth, wherein crying in excess without any reason or explanation in an otherwise healthy infant. This can make the baby miserable and frustrating for the parents to deal with, too.

The exact cause is still unknown, although it may well result from digestive problems/food sensitivities or even an immature nervous system.


  • Soothing Techniques: The baby may be soothed by rocking, swaddling, or gentle bouncing.
  • Dietary Changes: If a baby is breastfed, the mother can try eliminating foods like dairy.
  • Over-the-counter Remedies: Sometimes, symptoms can be soothed with simethicone drops or gripe water.

3. Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is an irritation of the skin in the diaper area, most frequently caused by continuing contact with moisture, friction, and irritants in stool and urine.

Soiled or dirty diapers that are not replaced regularly, combined with sensitive skin and rubbing, will also lead to severe cases.


  • Regular Diaper Changes: Keeping the nappy area clean and dry is paramount.
  • Barrier Creams: Protecting the skin with zinc oxide or petroleum jelly is a miracle maker.
  • Air Time: Giving the baby time without a diaper will help his skin breathe.

4. Respiratory Distress

Neonatal distress is when a neonate has rapid breathing, grunting, flaring nostrils, or retractions, which refer to the sinking of the skin around the ribs and collarbone.

This results from transient tachypnea in the newborn, respiratory distress syndrome, and infections.


  • Medical Evaluation: The baby should be immediately taken to a medical facility for assessment or determining the cause.
  • Supportive Care: Some patients might require supplemental oxygen, while others may need mechanical ventilation in advanced cases.

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5. Feeding Problems

Newborns struggle with feeding because of poor latches associated with reflux or milk allergies.


  • Lactation Consultation: A lactation consultant can help regarding the techniques of breastfeeding and latch-related issues
  • Feeding Positions: May alleviate discomfort in different positions during feeds
  • Hypoallergenic Formulas: In formula-fed babies with allergies

6. Constipation

Diarrhoea in infants is a condition in which they experience infrequent, complex, difficult-to-pass stools. The most common causes are solid foods, low fibre consumption, or dehydration.


  • Hydration: Keep the baby hydrated, especially in hot weather.
  • Dietary Adjustments: Older babies should get more high-fibre from purees of fruits and vegetables.
  • Gentle Massage: Massage on the baby's abdomen may stimulate bowel movements.

7. Ear Infections

Painful ear associated with fluid in the middle ear and possibly accompanied by a fever. It can be caused by bacteria or viruses, most often after a cold or another respiratory infection.


  • Medical Treatment: Treatment with antibiotics if the infection is of bacterial origin.
  • Pain Management: Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can relieve pain and fever, but consult a paediatrician about the appropriate dosage.
  • Warm Compress: A tender, warm washcloth might calm the discomfort.

8. Skin Issues

Many skin conditions, including eczema, baby acne, and cradle cap, can affect a newborn. These may be due to sensitive skin, hormonal changes, or overactive oil glands.


  • Moisturisers: Gentle, soothing, hypoallergenic creams relieve eczema.
  • Gentle Cleansing: Gentle soaps and washing will not further irritate her sensitive skin.
  • Cradle Cap Care: Massaging baby oil into the scalp by first gently brushing it. Then, gently massaging it may loosen the scales sealed to the scalp.

Related Read: Natural Ingredients to Look for in Baby Products

9. Fever

Fever in infants is a sign that their bodies are fighting some kind of infection. Generally, it is a viral or bacterial infection, sometimes due to their immunisations.


  • Temperature Monitoring: Monitor the baby's temperature with a rectal thermometer because it gives accurate readings.
  • Hydration and Rest: Keeping the baby well-hydrated and well-rested will help him recover.
  • Medical Attention: If the baby is younger than three months and has a fever, he must be immediately taken for medical care.

10. Sleep Issues

Infant sleep disorders may present as difficulty falling asleep, waking up too frequently, or frequent changes in the sleep pattern. It may be due to delayed feeding, physical discomfort, or a need for comfort.


  • Routine: The baby generally takes time to understand the concept of bedtime if introduced to a routine.
  • Comfort measures: Swaddling, making soothing noises, or even using a pacifier to comfort the baby might help get the baby to sleep.
  • Safe Sleep Environment: Keep the crib free of loose bedding or toys to help keep her safe and lower the risk of SIDS.

11. Teething

Teething is the process by which teeth come through the gums; it can be associated with discomfort and irritability. The cause can be teeth pushing through gums, generally around six months.


  • Teething Toys: Chilled teething rings, not frozen, can be soothing.
  • Massage: With your clean finger, massage your baby's gums to ease their discomfort. 
  • Pain Relievers: Contact a paediatrician for the appropriate pain relievers, such as acetaminophen. 

The Bottom Line

Though very tricky, most common infant and newborn problems are resolvable once you know what to do. Assurance of the problems and what to do to resolve them can empower the parents to take good care of their little ones. This will ensure that babies are healthy and well: regular pediatric check-ups, quick medical care when needed, and dabbling in a calm environment. Little Rituals is your perfect partner for the best newborn care using organic and dermatologically approved products on their sensitive skin. Consult a professional for advice on how to take good care of your baby.

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