Why Massaging With Olive Is Debatable ? Skip to content


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Article: Why Massaging With Olive Is Debatable?

Massaging Baby Oil
| by Rahul Bhati

Why Massaging With Olive Is Debatable?

Lots of parents around the world use olive oil to massage their babies with no problems at all. However, research has revealed that olive oil may not be the best option for massaging your baby. If your baby has dry or broken skin, it's best not to use olive oil.


Let us understand the science behind it ?

Olive oil is is high in fatty acid called oleic acid. Oleic acid, can make some layers of your baby's skin more permeable.

If your baby's skin is more permeable, it means your baby's skin barrier is more open. The oil and water you put on your baby's skin may be lost, instead of trapped in. So the oleic acid could increase moisture loss from your baby's skin if your baby's skin is damaged, say, through patches of eczema. If your baby has eczema, using olive oil on her skin could make her eczema worse.

Is Massaging Baby With Olive Oil Safe to Use?

Some experts think that oleic acid may be harmful even to healthy skin. Others argue that the effects are temporary and that there is no evidence of long-lasting harm. We know that many people use olive oil on their skin, as it is used in many adult moisturisers and cosmetics.

However, baby skin is far more delicate than adult skin.

Is There Any Similar Oil Like Olive Oil for Baby Massaging?

Yes, if you are searching for oil for your baby massage other than olive oil, you can use our natural black sesame oil.

Sesame oil contains antioxidants, vitamin E, phytosterols, lignans, sesamol, and sesaminol. It may help a child fight free radicals in the body that help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

What Makes Sesame Oil Ideal for Baby Massage?

Sesame oil is good for the baby as it includes proteins and other nutrients. Our sesame oil is made for babies with all the natural ingredients, such as:

  • Best black sesame seeds - crushed in wooden ghani

And are infused with best of plant actives

  • Echium seed oil
  • Unsaponifiable Sunflower seed oil - Squalane , Phytosterols
  • Balloon Vine Extract
  • Natural Vitamin E

So this makes it one of the ideal choices to massage a baby with sesame oil rather than olive oil.


There is currently no completed research on whether olive oil used for massage could be harmful for babies who have healthy skin. Many studies have looked at the effects of pure oleic acid, rather than olive oil.

One study on adults, however, found that using olive oil twice a day did have an effect on the skin. Olive oil damaged the skin barrier and caused mild redness, even when there was no history of sensitive skin.

So why take a risk on the little one ?

At Little Rituals, our cold-pressed, 100% pure cold pressed and organic black sesame oil is rich in natural ingredients and is made particularly for baby massage.

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