Common Baby-Related Concerns of the New Mother
Motherhood brings along with it much excitement, love, and a fair share of thrills. Anxiety and questions are some of the common infant and newborn problems that a new mom will go through during this important chapter in life. Here are some common concerns related to the newborn that most new mothers are busy asking about, along with some practical recommendations for them to get the necessary confidence and support.
Additionally, Little Rituals is here to help you make your journey of being a mother smoother by providing the best baby care products.
1. Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
One of the biggest challenges faced by new mothers is whether their baby is getting enough milk or not. This is one of the significant concerns for breastfeeding mothers, so knowing the signs that would tell you your baby is feeding well includes such things as having frequent wet diapers at least six times a day, steady weight gain, and contentment when nursed. Where in doubt, seek guidance from the lactation consultant or your pediatrician for personal direction.
2. Baby's Sleeping Habits
New babies usually sleep irregularly, which can be very wearisome for new parents. Babies typically sleep for some time and wake up to feed. To make your baby achieve a healthy sleep cycle, you must have a bedtime routine that calms your baby with a warm bath using Little Rituals Multi-Vitamin Hair & Body Wash. It's a fact that babies wake their mothers quite a lot at night and will eventually develop their own proper pattern of sleep.
3. Crying and Soothing
Teething is a baby's primary communication of needs, whether hunger, discomfort or the need for a diaper change. In the first six weeks, it is normal for babies to cry for 2-3 hours per day. Some babies respond to soothing by being held, feeding, or swaddling. You can also massage your baby, so infant massage positively affects the infant hormones that control stress and ultimately helps reduce crying. Use Little Rituals Wood Cold Pressed Organic Sweet Almond Oil for a soothing baby massage.
Must Read: Common Health Issues In Newborns and Infants with Solutions
4. Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is one of the things you want to worry about when your baby is a few weeks old. It can be caused by prolonged exposure to wet diapers, friction, or even sensitivity to certain products. To prevent diaper rash, just keep changing diapers regularly. Use Little Rituals Wood Cold Pressed Organic Coconut Oil, which is perfect for treating and preventing diaper rash.
5. Baby's Developmental Milestones
New parents tend to worry over whether the baby is on track with developmental milestones. All babies develop differently, so don't be alarmed if some babies grow up to development milestones early while others do a little later. Developmental milestones to watch for are smiling, rolling over, sitting up, and babbling. If you feel concerned about the way your baby is developing, talk to your pediatrician. He or she will reassure you and offer a plan of action.
6. Postpartum Depression (PPD)
The roller coaster of emotions associated with motherhood is very heavy for most women. Many new mothers end up becoming victims of the "baby blues," experiencing mood swings, anxiety, and sadness. These feelings are normally temporary and do not last for much more than three weeks. However, if you feel sad for more than a few weeks, you have hopelessness, or do not feel like bonding with your baby, then you might be suffering from PPD. Always consult a healthcare professional if you suspect PPD.
7. Lack of Sleep and Self Care
New parents do not get much sleep in those first few months. Try to fit in as many naps as you can when your baby naps. These few months call for self-care. Take breaks whenever you feel the urge to, eat healthy, and do things that tend to calm you down and give you energy.
8. Troubles with Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can be challenging, especially those first couple of days. Some people experience difficulty with the latch, nipple soreness, and fears about milk supply. A lactation consultant and breastfeeding support groups are great sources of advice and inspiration from other moms who have been there.
9. Bonding With Your Baby
It is a process developing day by day. You can start bonding through skin-to-skin contact, eye contact, and talking to your baby. Remember, it's normal for you to feel a mix of emotions; bonding is not an overnight thing. Use Little Rituals’ Wood Cold Pressed Organic Sweet Almond Oil for baby massages. The gentle touch and natural scent can enhance the bonding experience and provide comfort to both you and your baby.
Related Read: The Miracle of Cold Pressed Organic Coconut Oil: A Doctor's Insight on Boosting Baby Weight and Growth
10. Seeking Support
Never forget the fact that you are not alone in the journey of motherhood. There would always be family, friends, or any other support system where you may go and seek help or advice. Relating with other new mothers can help give a sense of community and remind you that you are on the same journey as everyone else.
Get the Best Baby Care Products at Little Rituals
Being a new mom is pretty tiring and worrying; however, it's an incredibly rewarding and growthful experience that should be undertaken. Understanding common baby-care concerns will help you when those happen; however asking for support as needed will surely ensure that you do not feel alone in these times. Remember that each mother and baby is unique and special, and is absolutely okay to ask for help and take that break too.
Little Rituals’ range of products, including the Wood Cold Pressed Organic Sweet Almond Oil, Multi-Vitamin Hair & Body Wash, and Wood Cold Pressed Organic Coconut Oil, are here to support you and your baby every step of the way.