Top Benefits of using Almond Oil for Babies | Little Rituals Skip to content


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Article: Top Benefits of using Almond Oil for Babies

Top Benefits of using Almond Oil for Babies
| by Rahul Bhati

Top Benefits of using Almond Oil for Babies

You always need to give special care to your baby's skin as it is super soft & delicate. With myriads of essential nutrients & vitamins, sweet almond oil is often recommended by dermatologists & doctors. 

Almond oil is a perfect choice for baby massage, with many excellent benefits in many different ways. 

So, with this article, let's explore the goodness of sweet almond oil for baby massage.

Benefits of Almond Oil 

Almond oil, extracted from almond seeds, if only cold pressed and organic, is an excellent source of Vitamin E and has a lot of unique benefits. Refined and forced filter oils has no benefits.

Some of the benefits of cold pressed and organic sweet almond oil are:

  1.  Effective Moisturizer – Baby's skin can dry quickly, which can be     prevented using natural almond oil. Little Rituals Sweet Almond oil   makes   it to the second layer of the skin, works as an effective   moisturizer and makes the skin soft and smooth. 
  2. Prevent Skin Problems – Almond oil is a powerhouse of minerals &   vitamins such as Vitamin A, B2, B6, D, and E. All these are perfect ways   to treat certain skin conditions, including eczema, and soreness
  3. Better Sleep – Massaging the baby with sweet almond oil helps relax       the body, and even promotes sound sleep. 
  4. Hair Nourishment – As the perfect source of Vitamin E, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium, sweet almond oil is one of the best oils for hair. A good massage to the baby's head with this oil keeps the hair more vital and prevents hair fall.
  5. Improves Digestion – A good massage with sweet almond oil reduces the chance of indigestion and upset stomach, a common issue in most infants. You can massage your baby's tummy with oil to help them. 
  6. Remove Impurities – Gentle massage with natural almond oil helps remove many impurities & dead cells from the skin and eliminates excess oil from a baby's skin. 

Which Oil Is Safe for Your Baby?

Different oils are available in the market, claiming to be the best for baby. For the maximum health benefits, you can use our cold-pressed, natural sweet almond oil infused with PLANT ACTIVES which makes it rich in nutrients & vitamins. We are unique because our Almonds are grown in organic cultivation in the land of California. It is certified by the EU BIO and American Organic agency to be completely organic.

At Little Rituals, we combine botanical activities with our base oil for maximum benefit. These are extracts of Balloon Vine Extract (calms sensitive skin), Echium oil(contains the world's highest content of omega-3 fatty acid), and unsaponifiable sunflower oil(contains Squalene and Phytosterols) for the maximum benefits. So, use our chemical-free 100% natural oil for full health benefits to your baby's overall health. 

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